Upcoming events.

New Year New You 2025
Join us for this fun fitness challenge!!
12 Weeks for $520 (includes a 12 week CFF membership)
3 nutrition consultations, 2 small group PT session per week
Choose your trainer and signup today!

Cape Fear Fitness Christmas Party
Please join us for the annual CFF Christmas Party, Winter Wonderland
When: December 6th, 6-9 PM
Where: Fizzy Janes, 614 West St, Southport NC
Attire: Icy colors: White, light blue, pale pink, silver
$25 RSVP using CFF app, or stop by the front desk
Dinner, drinks and a night of dancing with The Doorsman.
A portion of proceeds goes to Power Walking Ministries.
SilverSneakers: FriendsGiving
Join us for a fun afternoon of FriendsGiving
White Elephant gift exchange

Grit Iron Games
Grit Iron Games hosted by CFOIB!
Town Center Park: 11 E 2nd. St Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469
Competition 9:00-12:00
Music and Food from 12:00-2:00

Bingo Bash
Feeling lucky? Join us for a fun afternoon of socializing and playing bingo with friends!
September 19th 1:00-2:00 PM
Free training sessions and other prizes will be awarded to winners!

Fall Proof Your Life
Fall Proof Your Life with Mary Beth
8 1 hour sessions, once a week.
30 minutes of education awareness discussion on evidence based research in relationship to falls followed by 30 minutes of exercise focused on balance, strength and agility.

Unlock the Secrets of Self Publishing
Sign up for this months seminar with Bill and Nancy James! Learn how to publish a book!
Gain valuable insights into the probability of writing a book! Understand the time and cost crafting and marketing! Learn how to turn your book into a published reality!

Keep Your Summer Body
Keep your summer body with Felicia!
Join Felicia for this group training 12 week program
$420 (and includes a CFF summer tank!)
Keep Your Summer Body meets twice a week
July 9th-September 26th
Tuesdays 6:30 PM
Thursdays 6:00 PM
Stop by the front desk to sign up!

Goal Setting Made Easy
SilverSneakers workshop with MaryBeth
$5-register online or stop by the front desk

Power Lifting Meet
Please join us for the Power Lifting Meet at CrossFit Southport!
Email Josh to sign up
Sign up by June 7th and get a free shirt!
Cash prizes, 1 male/1 female over all
Come watch the meet, $5 at the door

Poetry & Songwritting
Join Mary Beth for the May seminar, Poetry & Songwriting.
Invite your brain to do what it likes. Join us for a class on poetry and song. Take time to explore meaning, rythm, and rhyme with Mary Beth Dziubinski, Active Aging Director and Lorie Roshon!
Cost: $5
Stop by the front desk to sign up!

Fit For A Cause Fundraiser
Fit For A Cause Progressive Fundraiser
We have recently been made aware of two members of our community who received cancer diagnosis. Out of respect for their privacy, they've chosen to remain anonymous, and we will fully uphold their wishes in keeping their information confidential.
Both of these individuals hold a special place in our hearts, and they're currently in need of all forms of support—financial, encouragement, prayers, and more—from our community. Cape Fear Fitness, and our affiliated brands have committed to rallying around them and offering whatever help we can provide. We will be holding fundraising fitness classes at Cape Fear Yoga and Wellness, CrossFit Southport, GameChanger and Cape Fear Gymnastics as well as our main campus, Cape Fear Fitness.
Please join us in helping to lift up these members of our community during this fundraiser.
All classes are free and open to the public, we just ask for a donation, in any amount you are able to contribute, to attend each class.
Members can sign up online or through the app.
There is also a sign up at the front desk
4/23 7:15-7:45am Anything Goes with Pam S at CFF
4/24 8am-9am Yoga at Cape Fear Yoga and Wellness
4/25 11am Strength & Conditioning with Josh at GameChanger
4/26 5:30-6:30pm Kick Boxing with Candice at CFF
4/27 9-11am Partner Workout with Kristin at CrossFit Southport
4/27 9-11am Child Drop In at Cape Fear Gymnastics
It's Not Selfish, It's Self-care
SilverSneakers workshop with MaryBeth. $5, members can register online

Sustainable Nutrition Seminar
Sustainable Nutrition with Coach Taylor-Quinn
Cost: $20
Date: March 23rd 9-10:30
Location CrossFit Southport
For anyone with questions about macros, portion control and what to eat to fuel your body! Register today!
Register on ZenPlanner or email Kamelendez81@gmail.com

Spring Into Health Run
With the Brunswick Wellness Coalition (BWC) committed to the health and wellness of Brunswick County, we want everyone to get moving!
Join in this year's TAKE THE LEAP! GO GREEN, GET HEALTHY theme for a little extra fun as generations come together to get moving. Dress in GREEN attire while embracing health. Add to the fun by creating a team wearing an array of 'greens' with you.

Fall Proof Your Life
Join Mary Beth in this 8 week class, Thursdays from 11-12, March 14-May 2
Cost is $129
Fall Proof Your Life program teaches participants to think about the fear of falling as being controllable. In this 8 week course participants learn how to set realistic goals to increase activity, improve balance and how to work on changing their environment to improve safety in the home as well as navigate when away from the home.
To signup, or for any questions, call, stop in the gym, or email: Carysa@cfffitness.com